💡 Expert Tip: You can use this template with your direct report or with your manager to create a common understanding of working style. Feel free to add or remove items as applicable. This is written as if a manager is asking the questions but they could be modified for use. This can be used by a manager for their first few 1:1 with new employees or with existing employees to better understand their style.
- Direct Report to fill out the answers before the meeting.
- Schedule 30m session with your manager to discuss
- Decide on shared expectations
- Total Run time - 20- 30m
Initial Discussion
Work Style
- How would you describe your working style:
- Under what circumstances do you do your best work?
- When scheduling a long day, are you more likely to start early or work late?
- Are there times during the day when you feel most productive?
- What is important to you in your work? What kinds of things determine whether you are happy in your job?
- What annoys you in a work environment?
- How do you prefer to receive feedback?
- How do you prefer to give feedback?